Welcome to our second blog!
Here we will give you an update on what we have been up to since our last blog. Of course, not everything can be shown just yet, but we will give you some highlights and exciting pre-views!  
Bess, Charlie and Jerry
Social media
Over the last few months our social media campaign has been focussed on Charlie, Jerry and Bes to get everyone familiar with our Eylanders. The campaign will now go into the second phase. The coming weeks we want to focus more on short in-game clips to show you features we are working on, art progression or funny bugs that occur. 
Improvements and fixes 
It’s important to not only add new features, but to be sure that we test and improve some already existing things, like:
  • Making sure items don’t get deleted when placed in a wrong slot
  • The way an Eylander decides on which motivation (food, sleep, fun) to act first. They used to get a little confused...
  • Adding highlights in UI so the player knows in which slot to place tools or items. 
Needs: Food, sleep and fun Needs: Food, sleep and fun
Click to view
Pre-alpha trailer
In a wonderful collaboration of our artists, programmers and animator, we have uploaded a pre-alpha trailer! You can view it on our Steam page and on Youtube! Watch it to get a general feeling of where we are at and what the general vibe of Towns of Yore is. Of course, everything you see can still change quite a lot. The game is still a work in progress after all, but we hope it can give you some insights!
Click to view
The post office
The groundwork, mostly on the programming and UI side, has been laid for a post office workstation! Tired of carrying wheat from the farm to the brewery, beer from the brewery to the inn? Let an eager Eylander do it for you! Assign them as couriers and give them a specific route, make it as simple or as optimized as you wish.
The inn
The inn is almost ready! It will serve as an important place where Eylanders can order a drink, some food or stay the night. Our artists are working hard on the materials and there is a big decision left to be made on which color combination we want for the inn. Here are some of the prototypes we tried out:
Inn colors
The inn needs to feel like a busy and happy space. So, excited gestures and engaging animations are important. This is why our animator has created this super cute drink animation! The Eylanders love a good cold brew after doing some work on the island.
Eylanders drinking a soda or a beer