Welcome to our first blog post!
Thank you for showing an interest in our game; Towns of Yore. In this post we will tell you what the game is all about and explain the main mechanics. But first, introductions! 
Who is making Towns of Yore?
We are Yvora game studio; a start-up working hard on their first ever game, our team currently consists of 9 members, so we definitely fall under the ‘indie’ category. After a few project ideas went down the drain, many iterations from where we started and hours upon hours of brainstorming; we feel like we have hit the mark with Towns of Yore and are so excited to introduce it to the world! 
What is Towns of Yore? 
Our game is a relaxing 3D city builder. As the player, you will be able to create the town of your dreams on a peaceful floating island in the sky. In contrast to most city builder games; you will be able to walk around in your town! No continuous “god mode” or a birds eye, soak up the atmosphere as you walk around in third person view. 
ToY printscreen
The characters
The main character of Towns of Yore (you, the player) is the Artisan. A young boy who one day wakes up on an island, not remembering how he got there. All he has with him is his trusty binder, which has some curious magical properties... The other inhabitants (NPCs) in this world are the Eylanders. Little creatures made out of wood, they use the air currents to float from island to island and gather resources.
Eylander waving
In-game features
Collect and trade
Some of these materials can be found on your island, others will have to be processed or traded for. Gathering wood will be an easy task, but how will you acquire rare metals for a specialized workstation or object? Eylanders might be your best bet when it comes to these things. To get traders to your island; set up a place where they can stay the night and create a market square!  The characters Arrow
Automate your processes with the right workers, tools and roads!
 When you build workbenches, you will need someone to operate that station. Seek out an Eylander with the right skillset (or just one you like) and see if they need anything. If an Eylander is happy, they are more likely to return to your island. After a while you can offer them the job! If the Eylander thinks it would be best to move onto your island, you can build them a house. Will you build it close to their workstation for time optimisation or will you place it somewhere to please your towns ecstatic. It’s all up to you! Manage Arrow
Build and invent
You will have to start out by building small structures such as a campsite and a woodcutter workstation, but soon you will be able to build elaborate workstations (like a brewery), houses for Eylanders that want to move in and specialized decorations to fit your style and needs. Other than structures and decorations, you will also be able to invent tools. These tools can help you optimize the production on your island! Create roads, give Eylanders backpacks to hold more items and make yourself a glider so you can soar from place to place faster!  Build Invent Arrow